Equipment makes its return to Halo in Infinite, a similar but changed system from what we saw in Halo 3. This new equipment system is like a blend of Halo 3’s equipment and Halo Reach’s armour abilities. What we end up with is what feels like a best-of series with some fun new additions. Let’s take a look at each of the equipment pieces you can find, and what they do. This is our guide to equipment in Halo Infinite.
Halo Infinite Equipment Guide: Grapple Shot
If you’ve been keeping up with Halo Infinite news, you’ll almost definitely have seen the new grapple shot. This equipment allows players to aim at any surface and fire a grapple into it, launching them toward it. The traversal options that this grapple shot give you are massive, you can even latch on to enemy players and pull yourself into them. The grapple brings weapons and equipment to you. You can even grab a fusion coil to throw at your opponents.
Halo Infinite Equipment Guide: Active Camo
Active camouflage returns in Halo Infinite. This ability turns you completely invisible, becoming little more than a blur to your enemies. The rules for this are the same as always, firing your weapon or taking damage will make you visible instantly. Unlike previous games, it no longer activates upon pick up. Pick up the active camo and activate it when it best suits you.
Halo Infinite Equipment Guide: Drop Wall
The drop wall is Halo Infinite’s shielding equipment. Where before we had bubble shields and armour lock, the drop wall is a new take on that idea. Using the equipment drops a forcefield wall. The shield is divided into sections which break separately. You can use this to create windows to shoot through. It’s not the toughest shield to break but it makes for great cover. If you encounter enemies behind one, just remember that shooting the little generator unit at the bottom will destroy the entire shield in one go.
Halo Infinite Equipment Guide: Overshield
Another classic, the overshield returns as equipment. This provides a boosted personal shield, doubling its durability temporarily. The boost to defence is huge, but temporary. Pair this with a shotgun or other short-range weapon if you plan on being in the thick of things. This ability, like the camo, can be equipped and activated any time.
equipment guide: Repulsor
This new equipment is a lot of fun to use. The Repulsor shoots out a powerful shockwave from your Spartan’s arm. It doesn’t do much in the way of damage, it is intended to send things flying. That it certainly does- enemies, grenades, vehicles, anything that isn’t nailed down will be blasted a considerable distance. Ever wanted to run someone over with a Warthog without ever getting in the driver’s seat? Now you can.
equipment guide: Threat Sensor
The threat sensor is very useful and might be the most powerful piece of equipment for hardcore players. Using this equipment fires out a small probe that sticks to surfaces. When it lands, it sends out pulses in all directions. This will highlight enemy players in that pulse area, even through walls. This equipment can give you a serious advantage over your opponents, so grab it when you can.
equipment guide: Thruster
The thruster equipment allows players to propel themselves laterally, on the ground or in the air. In a gunfight, staying on your toes is crucial. You need to be moving, and using the thruster can give you the edge over your enemies in that department. Use it to evade shots, to break an opponent’s aim on you, or to move quickly past an enemy to strike them from behind.
That is our guide to using equipment in Halo Infinite. Hopefully you have a better idea now of what to use and where to use them! For more Halo Infinite tips, check out our guides on weapons, armour customisation and what’s new in Halo Infinite!
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Featured Image Credit: 343 Industries