This is incredible!

Bioshock Fan Has Remastered Game For Unreal Engine 5

A fan project shows what Bioshock could look like in Unreal Engine 5. Honestly, we’d pay good money to try this out!

YouTuber noodlespagoodle is an aspiring indie dev who posts development videos and other projects. They also mention that they are very passionate about both Unreal Engine and motion capture technology – and from this lovingly made fan project, we can certainly feel that passion! 

As Noodlesagoodle highlights – “Be sure to watch at 720p or higher or the frame rate will look choppy”. Check it out:

YouTube video

It’s not the first time that this Bioshock fan has reworked the game. They also created a version of this scene for the Unreal Engine 4.

Epic Games developed the first Unreal Engine way back in 1998. The latest version – the Unreal Engine 5 – hasn’t actually been fully released yet. The early access version was released in May of this year. We we can expect the completed version of the software to come out in 2022. The software makes some huge leaps in visuals – making the most of 4k resolution that’s part of the next gen consoles’ technology.

Credit: Epic Games

Bioshock came out in 2007 – so this remaster by Noodlesagoodle has fast forwarded the game 14 years! The crisp and satisfying visuals really enhance the look of Bioshock. The use of light in particular is stunning.


Are you a Switch player who feels like going on a trip down memory lane? We’ve got Bioshock: The Collection on our store at the moment. Enjoy!

We’re super impressed by Noodlesagoodle’s work! What do you think of this Bioshock Unreal Engine 5 remaster? Let us know via our social media channels.


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Featured Image Credit: 2K Games / noodlespagoodle